Mountain Equipment is well-known for very high quality sleeping bags and outdoor clothing. If you find something with it`s logo added, you know, it is as good as it gets. I love my stuff. And my thin down jacket is in my backpack all the time. Even if we plan to travel far south.
My relationship with Mountain Equipment has existed for a long time. Tom (Strobl), the head of distribution in Germany, has known me since I started walking. He watched me growing up and one day he asked me, if I would like to join the ME-Pro-Team. What a question. People told me later, I had a mega smile on my face, for hours.
The best thing along with this sponsorship are the contacts to the other Team Members. It was, for example, ME who arranged a boulder meeting with Dave McLeod during a school traineeship. They organized my trip to Scotland. Very cool experience (have a look at: Climbing – Ft.Williams). I am still very grateful that they did all this. And it is always a pleasure to meet the employees whether here in Germany or at headquarters in Manchester. Very nice atmosphere and cool people. All the time. Even if you are not talking about anything business related.
Here is the link to check out Mountain Equipment yourself MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT

ANDREA BOLDRINI produces climbing shoes. Very good and cool ones. You get an idea about the quality when you know, that ANDREA BOLDRINI is both, the company and the owner’s name. The factory is located in the heart of France. All products are made there, nothing gets outsourced. This is why Andrea can easily put his name on all of his products. He is proud of them. On the other hand, they are a typical French company. Lovely, relaxed and always a smile on their faces.
My shoes work very well and smell a lot less compared to the ones I had before ;). But have a look yourself: ANDREA BOLDRINI

In the paragliding world NOVA is one of the real big companies. For me young gun, it is an absolutely huge credit of trust, that they invited me to join their NOVA-Junior-Pilots-Team. A big THANKS to everybody who was involved in this decision. I hope, I am able to give a little bit of this confidence back in the next couple of years. At the moment I can`t wait to get my Mentor.4. With this wing the next season will be nice for sure.
If you want to get more information, their webpage is pretty good and informative. NOVA PARAGLIDERS

Thorsten, the mastermind behind V15, climbs very well. He has been the coach of the German national team in Munich the last years. But I have met him not while climbing. It was a consecration party of a new house of some friends we met first.
These days, we meet for training sessions regularly. I really like it. Although he is much older than me and has two kids himself. As he recogniced, that I had a hard time getting my first web page up and running, he offered to help. You have a look at the result of this offer right now.
To be correct, he fulfilled all my wishes and helped with some personal tips. If there is anything you don´t like on this page, it is my fault and my stupidity. Thorsten could have built any other web page I dreamed of. No problem for him. To say it clearly: All criticism should be directed at me. All that is working on this page, without any problem, is Thorsten’s merit.
With this link you can see what he can do for you. And which clients he has. V15*